Apple Announced their new mixed-reality headset this month at WWDC - Apple's Vision Pro headset is poised to revolutionise architecture and design by incorporating groundbreaking features such as Lidar, eye tracking and hand gestures. As we prepare to upgrade ARki for the launch of Vision Pro in 2024, here are a few of the main design features we believe will revolutionise architecture and design! Lidar: Capturing the Built Environment in DetailLidar, short for Light Detection and Ranging, is a technology that uses laser beams to accurately measure distances and capture detailed 3D representations of the built environment. The integration of Lidar into the Apple Vision Pro Headset enables designers to quickly and accurately scan existing spaces or environments. This information can then be imported directly into the design software, allowing users to work with precise measurements and seamlessly integrate their designs with the real world. Lidar scans provide designers with an unprecedented level of accuracy and realism, helping them make informed decisions and avoid potential clashes or conflicts with the existing surroundings. Immersive Design Experience with Eye TrackingEye tracking is a revolutionary feature of the Apple Vision Pro Headset that enables designers to interact with their designs in a more intuitive and natural way. By tracking the movement of the user's eyes, the headset can detect where the user is focusing their attention within the virtual environment. This capability opens up a new realm of possibilities for the design process. Designers can now manipulate and modify elements of the design simply by looking at them, reducing the need for traditional input devices. Eye tracking also enhances the immersive experience by adjusting the level of detail and rendering quality based on where the user is looking, thereby optimizing system resources and creating a more realistic visual representation. Sculpting space with hand gesturesEye tracking is a revolutionary feature of the Apple Vision Pro Headset that enables designers to interact with their designs in a more intuitive and natural way. By tracking the movement of the user's eyes, the headset can detect where the user is focusing their attention within the virtual environment. This capability opens up a new realm of possibilities for the design process. Designers can now manipulate and modify elements of the design simply by looking at them, reducing the need for traditional input devices. Eye tracking also enhances the immersive experience by adjusting the level of detail and rendering quality based on where the user is looking, thereby optimizing system resources and creating a more realistic visual representation. In summary, the Vision Pro headset is set to revolutionize architecture and design with its groundbreaking features. Combining augmented reality and advanced visualization, it allows architects and designers to seamlessly interact with virtual models, visualize real-time changes, and experience immersive walkthroughs. Its precision and intuitive interface redefine the design process, and revolutionize the way designers conceptualize and communicate their ideas. Inspired to create your own AR experience?ARki app is helping the next generation of designers set their work apart! If you would like to learn more about how you can be stepping into the future of Architecture + design, download ARki on iOS and get started with a 7 day free trial!
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